

januari, 2025

18jan(jan 18)21:0019(jan 19)00:30Fool Circle presents: Fuzz CircleDe Schuit

Event informatie

♬ Baardvader
Baardvader is een fuzzrocktrio geïnspireerd door bands uit de jaren 70 en 90 gemixt met stonerinvloeden. Een bekend maar uniek geluid gepresenteerd in een nieuwe jas. Baardvader keert terug naar de essentie van rock door nieuwe energie in het genre te injecteren.

♬ Dunebender
An Indian, a Bulgarian, an Italian, and a Dutch man making some noise, what could possibly go wrong? That’s how Dunebender came to be. Dunebender is an Amsterdam based band that is as musically diverse as it is multicultural. Musically, Dunebender brings together elements of doom, stoner & sludge metal with psychedelia, noise and post rock. Each member brings a different musical background, contributing to the uniqueness that is Dunebender’s sound with influences varying greatly.

♬ Green Policy
Green Policy is sure to turn any event into a whirlwind of exciting fun. Their stories will capture your imagination, their energy will sweep you off your feet and their riffs will blow you away. Birthed at the Dutch Pop Academy in defiance of their policy on green. Green Policy is crawling their way out of the Dutch underground scene to your venue.

zaal open: 21h00

entree: voorverkoop: €8,50 | aan de zaal: €10,00

Facebook Event


18 (Zaterdag) 21:00 - 19 (Zondag) 00:30

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